
Crystal Mining vs. Industrial Mining

Crystal Mining vs. Industrial Mining

Crystal mining is not to be confused with industrial mining, it is comparatively rare and always done on a small scale. Crystal and mineral specimens can be very delicate and...

Crystal Mining vs. Industrial Mining

Crystal mining is not to be confused with industrial mining, it is comparatively rare and always done on a small scale. Crystal and mineral specimens can be very delicate and...

Relaxation and Mediation – Raising your Vibe

Relaxation and Mediation – Raising your Vibe

Clearing away physical things which no longer serve you helps to cleanse your mind and energy.

Relaxation and Mediation – Raising your Vibe

Clearing away physical things which no longer serve you helps to cleanse your mind and energy.

Crystal Cleansing Methods

Crystal Cleansing Methods

Mother Earth – Bury crystals in soil for 24 hours using a deep indoor or outdoor pot with a growing plant.

Crystal Cleansing Methods

Mother Earth – Bury crystals in soil for 24 hours using a deep indoor or outdoor pot with a growing plant.

“We are part of the earth and the earth is part of us” - Chief Seattle

“We are part of the earth and the earth is part...

Crystals have been utilised since the early Stone Age, where flints were shaped into tools and weapons or kept as polished pebbles.

“We are part of the earth and the earth is part...

Crystals have been utilised since the early Stone Age, where flints were shaped into tools and weapons or kept as polished pebbles.

Choosing The Perfect Crystal For You

Choosing The Perfect Crystal For You

Size is not necessarily important when you are choosing the right crystal for you.

Choosing The Perfect Crystal For You

Size is not necessarily important when you are choosing the right crystal for you.